Tech News
Digital Marketing – How to be more Focused
With tons of tools and social platform we always get distracted and unclear about our prime motive. What to do, where to do, selecting each and every tool and messing it up at the end brings lot of distraction to a digital marketer.
I have been in this situation before but there are certain ways, which can help you in concentrating and yield more prolific results.
- Fix the motive first. What is your primary goal for the marketing campaign? What result are you expecting from that campaign? How much traffic or leads do you want to generate. Divide it in two parts one in Short term goals and other is in Long term goal.
- Fix the realistic time limit for your goal by which you expecting it to show the outcome?
- List all those social platforms which can help you in accomplishing your goal.
- Create an “Outline of the work” you do. If its content marketing, you should list all the major events which are going to happen in current fiscal year and plan your content accordingly. If its related with lead generation then list out the user interests, behaviour, age group and categorical requirements which will help you in creating a successful ad campaign on Facebook, Twitter or Ad-words etc.
- It’s really very tough to promote your content or product on every social platform. It takes a lot of time and also optimizing everything according to each social platform is a severe headache. But there are few social tools like Hootsuite can really help you in promoting your campaigns on different social media channels.
- Always have a ‘short term’ goal and ‘long term’ goal for your marketing campaigns. Short term goals can help you in reviewing and tracking down the outcomes which will let you analize and do necessary changes time to time if required. While long term goals will always keep you focused on your target and results.
Hope the point mentioned above will help you to be more focused on your digital marketing approach.

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